Tournament Mobile App

Croatian Soccer Association of Australia (CSAA) founded in 1974 to assist in the development and promotion of all its member clubs - Soccer Clubs in Australia (& NZ) that were formed/founded by local Croatian communities in each state.

CSAA Savez
Project type
UX/UI Design

Business goal

Provide soccer fans and communities with an opportunity to follow their favourite Croatian team or club in the annual Australian-Croatian soccer tournament. Additionally, keeping everyone up to date with the latest news, fixtures and results of the largest and oldest ethnic football tournament in Australia.

My role

Based on research provided by the client, I developed a customer journey map, wireframes and user interface maintaining a design language across iOS and Android.


iOS and Android mobile applications were designed to allow soccer fans and their communities to stay connected and keep up to date with all upcoming and past events.

The development of the application was supported by Sentia Australia and donated to the Croatian Soccer Association of Australia as part of their community program.

What did the process look like?

  • Customer Journey map
  • User Experience concept
  • Wireframes
  • Stakeholder feedback
  • User Interface
  • User feedback
  • UI review
  • QA
Release & Learn
  • Data insights
  • User feedback
  • Stakeholder feedback

Customer journey mapping

To put myself into the customer’s shoes and to understand user path context in which the application will be used, I developed a customer journey map. The journey covers the whole user path, starting from awareness, attending events or viewing game results, finishing with viewing pictures, comments and following clubs or teams.

Customer journey map
Customer journey map


I sketched an end to end experience for new and existing community members, defining each screen layout, navigational system, and how they work together.

First concept sketching with pen and paper
First concept sketching with pen and paper


Additional features were introduced to the application:

  • Polls were introduced - as it’s a fun way to increase user engagement before and after games.
  • Past winners' view - allows a quick overview of past tournament winners
  • About us - new users wanted to learn about the soccer association
  • Hall of Fame - to honour the individuals who have been providing ongoing support to the Croatian Soccer Association of Australia
Wireframing based on scenario mapping
Wireframing based on scenario mapping

User Interface

One of the most exciting things about building this app was to be able to experiment and have the liberty to explore.

Working with developers

I worked very closely with Android, iOS and Back End developers while I was wireframing, defining the concept and then designing the user interface as we had a very tight deadline to deliver this project.

It was essential to communicate all ideas, concepts and technology stacks at the very early stages to be able to stay with the project timeline and deliver the best possible solution.


The app was build and released to the community in September 2018 just in time for 44th CSAA Soccer Tournament.